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These are year-month-weekday methods for the arithmetic generics.

Notably, you cannot add days to a year-month-weekday. For day-based arithmetic, first convert to a time point with as_naive_time() or as_sys_time().


# S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
add_years(x, n, ...)

# S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
add_quarters(x, n, ...)

# S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
add_months(x, n, ...)




A year-month-weekday vector.


[integer / clock_duration]

An integer vector to be converted to a duration, or a duration corresponding to the arithmetic function being used. This corresponds to the number of duration units to add. n may be negative to subtract units of duration.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


x after performing the arithmetic.


Adding a single quarter with add_quarters() is equivalent to adding 3 months.

x and n are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.


# 2nd Friday in January, 2019
x <- year_month_weekday(2019, 1, clock_weekdays$friday, 2)
#> <year_month_weekday<day>[1]>
#> [1] "2019-01-Fri[2]"

add_months(x, 1:5)
#> <year_month_weekday<day>[5]>
#> [1] "2019-02-Fri[2]" "2019-03-Fri[2]" "2019-04-Fri[2]" "2019-05-Fri[2]"
#> [5] "2019-06-Fri[2]"

# These don't necessarily correspond to the same day of the month
as_year_month_day(add_months(x, 1:5))
#> <year_month_day<day>[5]>
#> [1] "2019-02-08" "2019-03-08" "2019-04-12" "2019-05-10" "2019-06-14"